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Here you can see all the holes of the course and a discussion of each of them. Click on the images to see them in full size along with a review

1. hola - Blátindur
2. hola - Fell
3. hola - Hásteinn
4. hola - Langa
5. hola - Moldi
Hola 6 - Herjólfsbær
7. hola
8. hola - Fjósaklettur
9. hola - Ormskot
10. hola - Hellar
11. hola - Olnbogi
12. hola - Hæna
13. hola - Borgir
14. hola - Ægisdyr
15. hola - Hamar
16. hola - Höfn
17. hola - Mormónapollur
18. hola - Örn

Vallarvísir GV

Hér má nálgast vallarvísi Golfklúbbs Vestmannaeyja. Hann er einnig aðgengilegur í klúbbhúsinu.


Hér má nálgast forgjafartöflu GV, hún er einnig aðgengileg í skálanum.


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